About Us
Founded in 1993, Total Benefit Communications (TBC) provides employee benefit communication and education thought leadership throughout the U.S., and offers enhanced support to financial advisors, employers, and financial institutions.
TBC became an Ascensus company in 2006, and acquired Retirement Educators in 2016.
Why Choose TBC?
We're convenient.
- No contracts to sign, no minimum participation levels
- Support for projects of all sizes and durations
- Benefit professionals in nearly every state
- On-site and pre-recorded meetings and webinars
- Customizable services
- Easy scheduling, even on short notice
We're experts.
- Professionally licensed and credentialed benefit professionals
- Able to serve multi-lingual employee populations
- Diverse experience in investments, benefits, human resources, consulting, banking, and insurance
We're independent.
- Unbiased, objective education and services
- No commissions or asset management
- Partnering with benefit providers, insurance companies, recordkeepers, third-party administrators, financial advisors, bank trust departments, and benefit consulting firms